Dangers of plastic waste adrift in the ocean
— November 28, 2013An adventurous environmentalist is raising awareness of the dangers of plastic waste, especially the garbage patches forming in ocean gyres around the world
Continue Reading ...An adventurous environmentalist is raising awareness of the dangers of plastic waste, especially the garbage patches forming in ocean gyres around the world
Continue Reading ...Speakeasies are springing up all over Shanghai.
Continue Reading ...The London-based dissident novelist talks to Kate Whitehead about the Cultural Revolution, challenging the Party and finding a place to call home
Continue Reading ...Thoughts of North Korea and its citizens’ wardrobes are likely to conjure up images of drab dresses or military uniforms.
Continue Reading ...The secret to enjoying Macau is figuring out which house is best for you
Continue Reading ...The Hong Kong International Literary Festival has had a shake-up – it has a new manager, new faces on the board and a good line-up secured for the festival, which takes place November 1-10.
Continue Reading ...The number of Yanbian license plates in the carpark of the Emperor Resort & Casino in North Korea’s remote Rason district leave little doubt as to the hotel’s main clientele.
Continue Reading ...Macau’s $250 million “House of Dancing Water” is famous for magical special effects. But the underwater action you don’t see is even more astounding
Continue Reading ...North Korea isn’t known for its beauty industry, but the isolated state does produce its own beauty brand — Pomhyanggi Cosmetics — and even exports some goods overseas.
Continue Reading ...There’s no room for egos at Shanghai-based island6 gallery, where artists work as a team
Continue Reading ...China could do with an image makeover, judging by the increasingly negative perceptions of the country revealed in a global public opinion poll
Continue Reading ...North Korea isn’t known for its beauty industry, but the isolated state does produce its own beauty brand — Pomhyanggi Cosmetics — and even exports some goods overseas.
Everyone who’s worked in a large organisation will have their own story of a senior individual whose academic prowess was outdone only by their inability to communicate with their peers. We might write off such an employee as simply not being a ‘people person’. But, according to its adherents, what they’re really suffering from is…
The protest has gained broad public support since the government’s heavy-handed response on Sunday.
It’s a village not a town. So say residents of Bathurst, a magnet for the creative and curious located in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, approximately 12 kilometers from Port Alfred. Residents are proud of the eccentricity of their town. Or village. “You’ve got to have certain things to be a town, like a…
It was the bloodiest violence the city had seen: the riots would leave 51 people dead and hundreds more injured. We talk to some of the people involved to make sense of events that forever changed Hong Kong
Visiting the capital Pyongyang is a surreal experience. Many visitors don’t know what to believe