Pages of history — April 1, 2014 Fulfilling a specialist niche, Hong Kong’s rare and antiquarian bookshops focus on the passion for Continue Reading ...
Australian turns detective to find her HK roots — June 1, 2018 After a lifetime of being asked, ‘Where are you from?’, Alison Choy Flannigan decided to find out;
Chan Koonchung remains banned, but big in China — May 21, 2014 Chinese novelist Chan Koonchung says he writes for “his Beijing friends” though they can’t buy
Tom Jones in Hong Kong — March 8, 2016 The veteran entertainer has found a critically acclaimed new direction in the past six years, but promises
Doing business in North Korea — April 1, 2014 North Korea has barely been out of the news since Kim Jong-un took control of the regime following the
Modern slavery — February 22, 2016 With almost 30 years’ experience in the field, Matthew Friedman could easily have written just a catalogue