China’s frontiers: Is there anything left to explore? — June 11, 2014 Exploration is challenging. If it’s too easy, then it’s not real exploration. So says Wong Continue Reading ...
What can tourists expect when visiting North Korea? — December 2, 2013 The tour bus bounces along one of North Korea’s potholed roads, pop music blasting out over the Continue Reading ...
Malaysian novelist wins Man Asian Literary Prize — March 15, 2013 Malaysian author Tan Tweng Eng has won this year’s Man Asian Literary Prize for “The Garden Continue Reading ...
Hong Kong’s giant rubber duck — May 2, 2013 Hong Kong’s busy harbor is never short of action, but the great big yellow duck that floated into Continue Reading ...
Model of inspiration — November 17, 2018 Chinese orphan takes on Hong Kong role at her adoptive mother’s childcare foundation. Jenny Bowen
Why China won’t rule the world in the 21st century — November 14, 2017 The author, a former editor of the Post, tells Hong Kong literary festival audience the potential for
Happiness is a laptop and the open road — February 25, 2019 Transformative travel enables people to break away from the stresses of modern life by finding eco-villages,
11 things to know before visiting Myanmar — October 8, 2013 How do Burmese punks keep their mohawks standing tall?
Partition, romance and a murder — October 30, 2015 The fashion designer tells Kate Whitehead about being uprooted by the partition of India, her doomed
Behind the scenes photos of The Last Emperor — March 4, 2019 After meeting and befriending director Bernardo Bertolucci, Basil Pao was offered a part in The Last