While the Rest of North Korea Struggles, Pyongyang’s Fortunate Few Go Shopping — August 19, 2013 The city of Pyongyang may conjure up images of Mass Games and goose-stepping sentries, but the North Continue Reading ...
The “Brexpat” dilemma in Hong Kong — June 25, 2016 Britain leaving the EU will have a lasting impact for Europe. But what about Hong Kong, a territory with
Campaign of ‘lawfare’ — November 14, 2017 Dapiran covered Article 23, the government’s campaign of ‘lawfare’ and the expulsion of pro-democracy
Past lives haunt Beijinger in intriguing novel — July 6, 2014 Gripping novel spans centuries in China as modern Beijinger is stalked by sinister mystery soul mate
Giving sight to China’s blind — August 30, 2018 Ian Wishart, chief executive of the Fred Hollows Foundation, discusses the global eye-health organisation’s
Top destinations from man who has visited 158 countries — April 17, 2019 Daniel Herszberg, 26, is aiming to become the youngest Australian to visit every country, but says there
Elaine Goodwin on hitting the glass ceiling, dogs and living in the moment — March 14, 2021 Goodwin fell in love with Hong Kong when she first visited the city, in 1968, and relocated a year later