Past lives haunt Beijinger in intriguing novel — July 6, 2014 Gripping novel spans centuries in China as modern Beijinger is stalked by sinister mystery soul mate Continue Reading ...
Chan Koonchung finds humour in China-Tibet dynamic — May 25, 2014 Chan Koonchung satire shows how inequalities of power warp the China-Tibet relationship Continue Reading ...
Making of an iron lady — October 6, 2013 Jung Chang’s biography casts a forgiving light on the life and reign of the woman who dominated Continue Reading ...
Rob Wagemans — June 28, 2017 Founder Rob Wagemans’ designs are changing perceptions of how hotels, shops and now a Hong Kong residential
Fat is still a feminist issue — October 27, 2018 In town for the Hong Kong Literary Festival, the British psychoanalyst, writer and activist talks about
Olivia Newton John talks Grease, the power of change and cancer — May 1, 2016 Ahead of her latest Hong Kong concert, multi-platinum Australian singer, film star and co-founder of
Hong Kong’s giant rubber duck — May 2, 2013 Hong Kong’s busy harbor is never short of action, but the great big yellow duck that floated into
How to maintain work-life balance and safeguard your health; 4 tips from a successful Chinese daughter — March 24, 2023 ‘My mother was a typical Asian parent. She lost her dream because of the Cultural Revolution,’ says
The House that Jack Ma Built — November 8, 2017 Duncan Clark, a former Morgan Stanley investment banker and author of Alibaba: The House that Jack Ma