China’s frontiers: Is there anything left to explore? — June 11, 2014 Exploration is challenging. If it’s too easy, then it’s not real exploration. So says Wong Continue Reading ...
Exploring the empty — May 20, 2014 A new segment of adventurers is searching the cities for what others have left behind Continue Reading ...
Tony Wheeler’s top 5 edgy destinations — November 19, 2012 You have to be “a bit crazy” to want to go to the weird and wonderful places that excite Continue Reading ...
9 places we know very little about — April 2, 2014 Forget space. The most exciting new frontiers of exploration are on our very own planet, says Dr. Robin Continue Reading ...
A cure for coronavirus cabin fever — March 26, 2020 For people around the world who have shelved their travel plans and are spending more time indoors, virtual
While the Rest of North Korea Struggles, Pyongyang’s Fortunate Few Go Shopping — August 19, 2013 The city of Pyongyang may conjure up images of Mass Games and goose-stepping sentries, but the North
One & Only, Cape Town — March 23, 2014 What is it? Not the one and only One&Only, funnily enough, although it is the original, from which
As luck would have it — July 21, 2013 Jonathan Spence – historian, intellectual and eminent China scholar – is not one for a snappy
Enduring the worst winter in the world — December 7, 2012 Nine months in Antarctica braving minus 80 C temperatures is one thing. It’s the three months of